Photo by Salt Nashwaak Watershed Association Inc
We support conservation initiatives for wildlife and their habitats. Our grant program has been providing funds that support habitat restoration, enhancement and protection all over Canada since 1985.
We are members of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan and strive to improve and enhance the state of migratory birds and their habitats in Canada.
As members of various international and national conservation committees and councils, our aim is to impact the decisions that directly affect biodiversity in wildlife and habitats as part of the solutions to climate change.
There are currently no Wildlife Habitat Canada grants for conservation projects in this territory.
There are currently no Wildlife Habitat Canada grants for conservation projects in this territory.
In 2020, Colorado State University, with the support of a team of international investigators, embarked on a research initiative leading a global assessment of peoples’ values toward wildlife – the Global Wildlife Values effort. Data was collected via online surveys administered in 9 provinces in 2021. The Canadian Wildlife Values Report is a cumulative presentation of the research findings, produced in collaboration by Colorado State University, the Canadian Wildlife Directors Committee and Wildlife Habitat Canada.
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