Winter West – Harlequin Ducks
by W. Allan Hancock

About the Painting
“Living on Canada’s west coast has allowed me to enjoy an abundance of waterfowl that winter here. Among my favorites are the Harlequin Ducks. In this painting I wanted to capture the personality of the Harlequin Duck as well as the beauty of it’s coastal habitat.
It is reassuring to know that thanks to the continued conservation efforts of individuals and groups like Wildlife Habitat Canada, these habitats can continue to be respected and enjoyed year after year.”
About the Artist

W. Allan Hancock
The natural world is beautiful, breath-taking, and awe-inspiring, yet fragile. Its beauty is the subject of W. Allan Hancock’s artwork – its fragile state, the underlying theme. Whether it is a hawk on the short grass prairie, waterfowl in a marsh, or an eagle on North America’s west coast, the daily struggle for survival of wildlife species and habitats is portrayed in Hancock’s paintings with lifelike detail. Each painting captures a moment in time causing the viewer to ponder its subject’s future, both momentary and distant, often questioning the role of mankind.
Born in Timmins, Ontario, Canada, in 1968, W. Allan Hancock has had a fascination with the natural world from his childhood days. Allan spent most of his youth in Saskatchewan where abandoned homesteads and the remnants of human heritage also began to leave a lasting impression. Today Allan continues to share these two interests reflecting upon the passing of time and the influence of mankind on this world.
Allan sees the conservation and preservation efforts of various organizations as mankind’s attempt to be a positive influence on the natural world – an attempt he wants to be part of. Through his participation in these efforts Allan’s artwork has been selected for numerous fund-raising projects for conservation purposes. In 1993 Allan’s painting “Of Days Passed – Ferruginous Hawk” was selected for Ducks Unlimited Canada’s Art Print Program . Limited edition prints of his painting raised approximately $97,000 for waterfowl and habitat conservation. In 1996, at the age of 28, Allan became the youngest artist ever selected as Ducks Unlimited Canada’s Artist of the Year and was honored with the Waterfowl Art Award for his painting “Baldpate Gathering – American Wigeon.”
Today, Allan’s artwork continues to be featured on conservation stamps and limited edition prints to raise funds and the awareness of the need to protect vital wildlife habitat. His paintings can be found in collections throughout Canada, the United States, and parts of Europe. As interest in his work continues to grow, Allan hopes that mankind’s appreciation of the natural world will also grow.
Residing in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Allan enjoys hiking and kayaking and is daily inspired by natural beauty and an abundance of wildlife. Holding a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Saskatchewan, Allan believes his literary studies have made him a better artist. Literary elements like plot, theme, symbolism, and character development can all be found in his paintings. Allan believes a painting should have an idea, thought, or story to present. In his paintings of the natural world, the theme is definitely: “Fragile – Handle With Care!”
You can view Allan’s work at his website, www.wallanhancock.com