Sun Kissed Cinnamon – Cinnamon Teal
by Lori Boast

About the Painting
“The Cinnamon Teal male with his Titian red plumage begs to be painted. I placed this breeding pair in an intimate shallow reedy setting, which they tend to prefer.
I played warm against cool, light against dark and blues against oranges to enhance their natural beauty.”
About the Artist

Lori Boast
Lori Boast is primarily a self-taught artist, well versed in acrylics, oils, graphite and other media. She is captivated by wildlife, and also loves painting landscapes and still-life.
“To be able to put my animals in various settings, I studied design and landscape, and to learn about light I studied still-life. Along the way I fell in love with both.”
Lori’s goal is to paint wildlife with an eye to raising awareness of rapidly declining species and habitat.
“We aren’t making more land, and we need to manage what we have with a balanced approach. Preserving habitat for wild creatures makes sense. If they can survive, so can we. If they are gone, we will follow.”
Visit Lori’s website and view more of her artwork.