Mountain Retreat – Harlequin Duck
by Gary Pulham

About the Painting
About the Artist

Gary Pulham
Gary Pulham was born in Toronto in 1956. He grew up in neighbouring Peterborough where he excelled both in sports and the arts. He was introduced to nature and drawing by his father who was a technical illustrator by profession. Gary grew up surrounded by image art and none was so prevalent than a 1968 article featuring the birds of Fenwick Landsdowne.
A turning point for Gary was a field trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands in 1982 where he studied and photographed birds with Robert Bateman. As a young artist and having the opportunity to study with a master was a privilege Gary would not soon forget.
Having lived on the west coast for 14 years allowed for many field trips to view harlequins in their natural habitat. The classic profile, the water movement and brilliant colours all come together to make “Mountain Retreat” an unforgettable sighting.
Gary has won awards in Chicago – Oakbrooke Invitational 1989 and at the second annual Brant Festival on Vancouver Island where he received the Peoples Choice Award in 1991. Gary was also selected to be the O.F.A.H. lottery artist in 1994. Now residing in St. Thomas, Ontario with his wife and two daughters, he continues his studies of birds in their natural habitat.