Change of Seasons – Sandhill Cranes
by Ken Ferris

About the Painting
About the Artist

Ken Ferris
Ken Ferris is a completely self-taught artist and has drawn and painted wildlife since early childhood.
Ken’s work has been featured in one man and group exhibitions throughout North America, including “Profiles of a Heritage”, Images of Wildlife by B.C. Artists, the prestigious “Birds in Art”, “Wildlife: The Artist’s View” and was part of the travelling exhibition, “Naturally Drawn: Drawings from the Collection” at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, Wausau, Wisconsin.
Ducks Unlimited Canada named Ken the 1984 “Artist of the Year” and has presented him with their Bronze, Silver, Gold and Emerald Teal Awards for this outstanding contributions. In 1987, Ken was one of thirty world acclaimed artists included in “Waterfowl of North America”, a limited-edition book of full size prints commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Ducks Unlimited Canada.
With his portrayal of a Hooded Merganser, Ken won the 1993 Wildlife Habitat Canada Conservation Stamp Competition.
A series of collector plates, entitled “Treasured Ducks of Canada” was commissioned by the Bradford Exchange in 1994 and has since sold out.
In 1996, Ken was one of eighteen acclaimed Canadian wildlife artists invited to take part in “Animal Art in the Park” and was featured in “Wildlife Art in Stamps” at Algonquin Park, Ontario.
Ken lives with his wife Jasmine, their cat P.T. and works in his studio in Prince George, British Columbia.