At One with the Morning – Ring Necked Duck
by Liz Mitten Ryan

About the Painting
About the Artist

Liz Mitten Ryan
Liz Mitten Ryan is a dedicated conservationist and a true Philanthropist. Liz works with conservation groups throughout the world bringing awareness to areas and species in need of protection.
Mitten Ryan has had many achievements throughout her art career, including being declared a National Artist for Ducks Unlimited Canada four years in a row (1995 – 1998), and Artist of the Year by the British Columbia Wildlife Federation. She was also one of four artists commissioned by the Canadian Mint to submit a design for the two dollar coin.
Mitten-Ryan’s work is owned by various well known collectors such as British Columbia Premiers Mike Harcourt and Glen Clark, Maurice Strong, West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd. of Vancouver, Al Gore, Vice President of the United States, and England’s Prince Phillip.
A native of Vancouver, Mitten Ryan’s art training began at Heatherley’s School of Fine Art in London, England. She then went on to study arts at the University of British Columbia, and took technique and colour courses from Peter Aspell, formerly a senior instructor at the Vancouver School of Art.
She currently has a home and studio on a hillside farm with her husband, six children and ever growing entourage of beloved dogs, cats and horses, on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia.