Georgian Bay – Goldeneyes
by Dwayne Harty

About the Painting
“Inspired by the rugged beauty of Georgian Bay, Ontario, I spent several days amidst the labyrinth of islands and shoals where the Bad River empties into the bay south east of Killarney Park near the Bustard Islands. There, these striking ducks would gather to raft up just offshore among the outer islands. I watched them shuttling in small groups, and when they flew close enough past me, I could hear the whistle of their swift, narrowly-pointed wings.”
About the Artist

Dwayne Harty
In 1996, Wildlife Habitat Canada commissioned Dwayne Harty, a Saskatchewan-born wildlife artist who has a reputation as one of Canada’s finest talents to produce the image for the Conservation Stamp and Print. Dwayne, who now resides in Ontario, recently completed a one-year term as the first resident artist for the Hiram Blauvelt Art Museum in New Jersey. He is known nationwide for his diorama works which are featured permanently in venues such as the Royal Ontario Museum, the Royal Saskatchewan Museum, the Wye Marsh Conservation Centre, the West Perry Sound District Museum, and the new Algonquin Park Visitors Centre.