Early Spring – Hooded Merganser
by Ken Ferris

About the Painting
“Early spring is a time of transition. There is still snow and ice around the edge of the beaver pond and vegetation is beginning to emerge. A lone male Hooded Merganser glides by in his finest spring attire intent on impressing a new mate. The secluded woodland ponds and streams are essential not only to the Hooded Merganser, but to a multitude of diverse plants and animals that depend on such habitat.”
About the Artist

Ken Ferris
A completely self-taught artist, Ken Ferris has drawn and painted wildlife since early childhood. Ken’s work has been featured in one man and group exhibitions throughout North America, including the prestigious “Birds in Art”, and was part of the traveling exhibition at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum in Wisconsin. Ducks Unlimited Canada named Ken the 1984 “Artist of the Year”. His participation in fund raising activities has produced millions of dollars for worthwhile conservation projects. Ken’s paintings are much sought after by collectors throughout North America and Europe.